Saturday, May 31, 2008

Suddenly everything changes

Some times in life we have fast shifts. Shifts that we did no plan, did not think of, or even stuff we didn't have anything to do with. How we handle thees shifts shows how we handle life.

A time back I got a smack in the face. Well, not a real smack, but a verbal smack. It really pushed me down low. Because of all my stress I couldn't get any lower than this. Well, how did I get out of this? I think it's a thinking thing. I always know that even tho it feels like everything is crashing apart, I will be alright. I have a wonderful wife, a wonderful family, good friends. and a living God who takes care of me.

Now a days many don't have a wife, don't have a wonderful family, don't have any good friends and don't believe in a living God. Well, the only thing I can say is that I know a real God, who gives us a wonderful family here on earth. Thats my facts, what are yours?

God Bless.