Saturday, February 02, 2008


Well, last night we had visitors in our room, and among them my good friend Thomas Knutsen. We decided to dare him to something, and then our freshwater turtle food came in handy. So for 60 DKK he ate a daily meal for a freshwater turtle... That meal consists of freshwater-fleas...

More fun to come.

God Bless.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

A little fun

Well, we can't allways be 100% serious. So here's a litle report on the opening of the renovated toilet on Mariager Højskole.

It was a beautiful moment, and a moment Kent Jakobsen said wouldn't probably come again for another 25 years.
The school celebrated with hot dogs and juice. It was a remarcable moment in both my life and the schools history.

I'll be back later, with something more serious.

God Bless.