Getting back, or moving forward?
Today was my last sick day (I hope) in a long time. Then it is back to all the habits for real. Is this going back or is it moving forward? First thinking of it, I wanted to call it going back, or getting back. But now I wanna call it to look forward. We do move in all times of our lives, and if you're not moving forward, you're moving backwards. I think thats a great principles to live in. To always try to move forward. In all aspect of your life. To stand still is the same as falling back. So always move somewhere. I will at least try to do that, and live by it.

The picture is of me and My Wife Christina on a leader conference in OKS, Lillestrøm, Norway. She's with me through it all...
The picture is of me and My Wife Christina on a leader conference in OKS, Lillestrøm, Norway. She's with me through it all...
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